Beta Version DevLog

What's New:
Improved Animations - The Player's animations have been updated and new enemy death animations have been added in
The Cafeteria - New and much larger timer based level 
Tutorial - Added a tutorial level for the player to experiment and learn the controls without risk
Principal - The Principal now follows the player around during the level
Health Pickups - Trash cans have been added as a health pickup, inlcuding an animation
Sound - Sound effects and music have been added in across the board
Monster Spawners - Spawners have been implemented for endless levels
New Enemies - 2 new enemy types, one that attacks at range and one the player must chase down
UI Updates - Redesign of all health/water/job security bars
Visual Revamp - Imcorporated new sprites from our third party artist and team members
New Attack - The Player now has a new lasting area of effect attack

What's Next:
Smarter children - Children that move around idly and run away from monsters
Principal Updates - The principal will be updated to be more interactable
More Levels - Additional levels and/or level types are coming
More Skills - We are working on adding more things for the player to do during combat
Visual Polish - We are continuing to improve animations and the sprites themselves

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